Trees and forests

Ancient juniper, El Hierro

We offer services in consultancy, practical work, teaching/training and research.



Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction.

Tree surveys, Tree Constraints Plans, Arboricultural Impact Assessments, Tree Protection Plans and Arboricultural Method Statements.

Determining which trees to retain during development and how to do so successfully.

Top tip – get this done before you design your layout because trees will influence it.

Note – we assess bat roost potential at the same time so you don’t have to pay for two different surveys.

Example of BS5837 output
Proper protection system (although the fence should have been right on the edge of the ground protection)
Ground protection mattress
Ancient boundary-marking beech pollard
How NOT to do it (1)
How NOT to do it (2)

Heath and safety

Health and safety

Hazard and risk assessment in relation to property damage and personal safety.

We are supporters of the NTSG publication (

We use VTA (Visual Tree Assessment). We favour THREATS or ISA’s TRA systems.

We are not big fans of internal decay detecting devices because interpretation of their output is no less subjective than VTA but we do use them in some cases.

Bark-ringed tree – great habitat creation or H&S nightmare?
This was a case of when, not if
Many species of tree are ‘meant’ to become hollow
This oak has ‘included’ a Victorian metal tree guard or old bench



Jay loves agroforestry! There is overwhelming evidence to show that trees (and diversity) as part of agricultural systems increase yields overall and in the medium to long term by moderating weather extremes, protecting and improving soils, creating structural layers, diversifying crops, encouraging biodiversity, reducing inputs (irrigation, pesticides or fertilisers) and making more robust ecosystems.

Dehesa, Spain
Traditional cider orchard being planted, Surrey


We have connections with eminent researchers in universities, NGO, and government agencies who can help you conduct research into any aspect of forests, from predicting harvests to remote sensing to assessing the role of decomposers.

Studying the effects of acid rain, Poland
Spruce bark beetle pheromone traps, Czech Republic
Studying how forests recover after fire, Croatia
Forestry establishment trial plots, Surrey


We are experts in tree and woodland management. From planting design and implementation, through establishment plans and aftercare, to harvesting (whether that be a seed, a fruit crop, the timber itself or use by the public).

Chestnut coppice, Surrey – traditionally for walking sticks, nowadays for fencing materials
Formative pruning of cork oaks, Andalucia
Seeking a balance – when you do something positive for one thing, It harms something else.
Tree inspection
We love a pollard – they can increase the lifespan of a tree many times over


Whatever aspect of ecology you want to learn, we know someone who can teach you. We run courses with our associates (e.g. CIEEM, EuCAN, Species Recovery Trust or Kew Gardens) or create and deliver bespoke events.

Species and habitat management training, Portugal
Fungal foray, Czech Republic
Tree training, Czech Republic
Bat roosts in trees training event, Surrey