Who we are

Verdant Ecology

Verdant Ecology is a group of independent consultants and practitioners.

We are not associated with any other company with Verdant in their name.

We are:

• Ecologists

• Arboriculturalists

• Land/habitat managers

• Teachers/trainers

• Researchers

• Ecotourism advisors and leaders

• Horticulture and permaculture experts

• Agro-forestry consultants

• Sustainability advisors

Autumn snowflake (Acis autumnalis), Spain
Migratory bird surveys, Portugal
Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena), Australia
Identification and use of plants, Czech Republic
Formative pruning of cork oaks, Spain
Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni), Corsica
Pleached lime trees, Belgium
Silage making, Fair Isle
Top of Klek mountain, Croatia

We are led by:

Jay (Jonathan) Bradley: BSc, MSc, TechCertArb, MArborA

He has more than 32 years of relevant experience.

You can find out more about him on LinkedIn.
